Eucalyptus Blue Mallee: Aromatic and Beneficial Essential Oil

When talking about aromatic, fresh and beneficial essential oils, the first type that usually pops to our mind is eucalyptus essential oil. The thing you might not know is that there are different types of eucalyptus trees, which can result in different types of eucalyptus essential oils. Out of all commonly used types of eucalyptus trees for essential oils, it seems that the Eucalyptus Blue Malles contains the highest percentage of cineole, around 88 to 92%. This ingredient, in fact, is the pointer of how quality and beneficial the chosen eucalyptus essential oil would be.

The Eucalyptus polybractea is used mainly for pharmaceutical properties because of its high cineole content. This type of Eucalyptus tree grows only in low rainfall areas of New South Wales and Victoria, Australia. This eucalyptus specie is a typical ‘mallee’, smaller in size and with lots of (poly) stems growing up from the rootstock. The leaves of this rare type of eucalyptus tree have a dull greyish-blue appearance.

Benefits of Using Eucalyptus Blue Mallee Essential Oil

The truth is that Eucalyptus Polybractea has been used since ever. The Aborigines of Australia have been using the leaves of this eucalyptus specie for their antiseptic and healing actions. In the mid-1800s, plantations of Eucalyptus trees were planted as a strategy to halt the spread of malaria. Thanks to the leaves aroma, the malaria-carrying mosquitoes were repelled which we must admit that this was an insanely good strategy.

Nowadays, the great and powerful eucalyptus blue mallee essential oil is used for relieving colds and coughs all over the world. It’s also used for relieving the symptoms of sore throat and some other infections. Nowadays, this essential oil is used in many over-the-counter cold remedies like decongestants. Besides this, if carefully used, this eucalyptus essential oil can also be used in nebulisers in a combination with distilled or saline water. That way, you can relieve the symptoms of sinusitis and sinus congestion. When it comes to treating sinusitis, you can add a few drops of this essential oil in a steam bath or in an aromatherapy diffuser.

Thanks to its powerful antiseptic properties, eucalyptus essential oil can also be applied on cuts and a range of different skin infections. No matter the reason why you use it, and how, you should be cautious when it comes to its use. For the purpose, you should follow your doctor’s orders, consult with a pharmacist or read the label on the back of the essential oil’s bottle in order to be sure about how to use it.

How to Use It?
close-up of eucalyptus essential oil

Generally speaking, the aromatic profile of this essential oil is strong and at the same time sweet-camphoraceous and fresh cooling aroma. It also has a faint dry out which is another proof of its effectiveness. Regarding its appearance, eucalyptus essential oils have a pale yellow and transparent mobile liquid. When it comes to the use of essential oils, they need to be diluted by any means and used as instructed. This is essential if you want to get the desired results in the shortest possible time. Practice shows that this essential oil can blend well with cedarwood, black pepper, juniper, ginger, lavender, laurel leaf, lemongrass, lemon, niaouli, peppermint, pine, rosemary, thyme, tea tree, verbena, etc.

Cultivation Details
close-up of eucalyptus tree

Eucalyptus polybractea trees love lots of sun in moderately-fertile well-drained and moisture-retentive soil. These trees also tolerate poor and dry soils, especially those which are low in mineral elements. The best thing about all types of eucalyptus trees is that they have not adopted the deciduous habit like some other trees. In other words, they will continue to grow even in colder weather conditions. As for any other trees types, the thing that will help them survive even the coldest conditions is deep mulch around the roots. This will prevent the soil from freezing, which can also help the trees to survive.

Safety Considerations
Close-up of eucalyptus essential oil

As we already said, this essential oil has a high content of cineole, which is why using it in larger amounts should be avoided. If wondering why the reasons are simple. A higher dosage of eucalyptus polybractea can cause respiratory irritations, coma, convulsions, slurred speech, etc. People with asthma should be extremely cautious with the use of any essential oil since it can cause severe respiratory infection. Eucalyptus essential oils of all kinds are not recommended to be used on or near the face of infants or children under the age of ten. In case there is a need for the use of Eucalyptus essential oil on kids, you can try the Eucalyptus narrow leaf type since it contains a lower percentage of cineole. This makes it appropriate for children and adults who have some health conditions and issues.

In order to be sure that the chosen essential oil is pure and organic, look for certification that should be added to its packaging. Otherwise, you are risking of buying a synthetic essential oil that can do you more harm than good.

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