Archive of ‘Health’ category

Eucalyptus Blue Mallee: Aromatic and Beneficial Essential Oil

When talking about aromatic, fresh and beneficial essential oils, the first type that usually pops to our mind is eucalyptus essential oil. The thing you might not know is that there are different types of eucalyptus trees, which can result in different types of eucalyptus essential oils. Out of all commonly used types of eucalyptus trees for essential oils, it seems that the Eucalyptus Blue Malles contains the highest percentage of cineole, around 88 to 92%. This ingredient, in fact, is the pointer of how quality and beneficial the chosen eucalyptus essential oil would be.

Simple Ways to Relieve Seasonal Allergy Symptoms


While many look forward to winter coming to its end and the temperatures rising again, not everyone is fond of springtime. There are also those of us who associate spring with itchy, watery eyes, stuffy and runny nose and difficulty to breathe. If you’re allergic to pollen, you know what I’m talking about.


Reasons Why Tooth Removal Is Really Necessary

Tooth removal is generally the last resort a dentist uses. There are a few reasons for that, but the main one is to allow your teeth to have the highest level of function possible – efficient and painless. For some, the idea of getting a tooth extracted can be a scary one. After all, our teeth aren’t mean to be removed. However, tooth removal is something a skilled dentist is very familiar with, so there is nothing to fear.

When a tooth becomes heavily decayed, infected or damaged and cannot be restored, generally the best treatment option is a tooth removal. A tooth that isn’t health cannot remain in the mouth as there is a risk for the infection worsening or spreading to other teeth. A tooth that has experienced trauma or damage may also need to be removed.

There are two types of tooth removal. Below I will explain each of them so you know what to expect from your tooth removal procedure.

Simple Extraction

It is performed on a tooth that is visible above the gum line. With a tool called an elevator, the dentist will loosen the tooth and then pull it from the socket using forceps. Simple tooth extraction is commonly used due to crowding, tooth decay or trauma.

Surgical Extraction

It is required when a tooth is broken below the gum line, the tooth is impacted (has not erupted above the gum line), or must be removed in pieces. When a tooth is severely decayed to the point that forceps cannot be used to remove the tooth from the socket, surgical extraction may also be necessary. This type of extraction is also used in more complicated cases of curved or entangled roots when the bone around the tooth is dense, or when the roots of a tooth are long.

For both types of extractions, anesthesia will be used to numb the area around the extraction site. While the procedure tends to be virtually painless, some patients report feeling pressure during the treatment. Pain from tooth extraction can last for several days up to a week or even lasting two weeks. Swelling, stiffness, soreness or jaw pain are also all common complaints from patients who’ve had one or more teeth extracted.

Aftercare is essential for proper pain management, healing, and to reduce the risk of infection. Following the post-extraction care instruction will also help keep the socket from developing dry socket. It is also recommended to stop smoking while healing from an extraction. You may take over-the-counter pain relievers or your dentist may prescribe anti-inflammatory pain medication to ease discomfort.

The Importance of Oral Examinations

Taking great care of your teeth and gums is essential not only for your oral health, but also for your overall health and wellbeing. After all, good oral hygiene is the best way to prevent a number of different dental problems such as tooth decay and gum disease. Not to mention the fact that brushing your teeth regularly can help you avoid bad breath and discolouration which can be quite unpleasant from both a dental and aesthetic point of view.


How Can Protein Snacks Contribute to a Well Balanced Nutrition

It’s a well known fact that eating a healthy and balanced diet is essential for reaching your body goals and building strong and healthy muscles. Before we dive into the benefits of healthy dieting, let’s see what exactly does the term balanced diet mean in the first place. A balanced diet plan includes meals rich in essential nutrients that aid in the optimum performance of all the different systems within the human body. As a rich source of vitamins, fresh veggies and fruits should be staple ingredients in your dishes. They should be consumed along with a balanced amount of meat, fish, eggs, beans and dairy products all of which represent a good source of vitamins, minerals and protein.

Protein Snack (more…)

A Jingle Bell Cook: Merry Little Sweet Delights are Upon Us

It is the most wonderful time of the year and the euphoria of the holidays ahead is heating up the atmosphere in every home. Sipping celebratory drinks, exchanging gifts and prepping delicious meals are the trademarks of the magic that’s spreading in the air. True, Christmas is the time for some serious calorie intake and unwinding in the comfort of your home, surrounded by your loved ones. But think about it – you spent months working on your physique and sticking to your diet, you’re not going to let all that hard work go to waste, are you? After all, abs are made in the kitchen, so you might as well help keep yours rock solid during this crazy period of lures in the form of sweets all around you. Introducing your brand new favourite savior for the season: protein powder cookies. Yum.merry christmas girls (more…)

Choosing E Cig Kit That Best Fits You

Are you desperately trying to quit smoking but you cannot seem to beat the nasty nicotine addiction? We do understand, it is a hard thing to do, it takes a lot of persistence and will power.
It is no secret that smoking cigarettes is deadly – it is the main culprit for many modern diseases. But if you cannot fathom the idea of completely giving up smoking, we offer you a lighter version of tobacco smoking, electronic cigarettes.


Beside being tobacco free, one of the biggest benefits of switching to vaping is the wide range of (more…)

Why You Should Wear a Heart Rate Monitor Watch

This sounds kind of strange, right? Why would you even consider wearing a heart rate monitor watch, when you can get that fancy, metallic watch in gold colour? True, but if you feel like you’re taking care for your health, than this shouldn’t be so strange to you. You know that the heart is the most important organ in the body; it pumps blood and brings oxygen to all the other organs of our organism, so it’s only natural to want to monitor its function and work. And even more, if you’re doing any sports, you would definitely want to know your heart rate as this shows you with what tempo should you continue in order to keep an optimal training level.

All in all, there are a lot of reasons as why should you own a heart rate monitor watch. Here are three you should remember : (more…)